Accessory: tool attached to the actuator to supplement the function and work of the actuator so that a complete unit of work. Example: Positioner, regulators, solenoid, and limit switches.
Actuator: Tool to open or close the control valve where the driving source can be: Pneumatic, Hydraulic, or electrically.
Backlash: The common name given to form a dead band resulting from temporary Discontinuity between the input and output of a device, for example when the input of the device to change direction. Slack or have loose or disconnected from the mechanical connection.
Capacity (Valve): Rate of a flow (flow) through Valve wherein predetermined amount.
Closed Loop Control Systems: The relationship between process control components such as information about the process in which a continuous variable giving feed back (feedback) to the controller set point to provide input in kontinnyu, to correct the process variables automatically.
Open Loop Control Systems: Is the control systems where the output b has no effect on the control component.
Controller: Equipment that operates automatically by using the control algorithm to control the variables. Where the input controller receives input from the status process variables and will provide output signals corresponding to the final control element.
Dead Time: The interval of time, the response time of a delay or systems. example: Delay in action controller, the actuator delay operation.dll.
Where the input x (t) and the output is y (t)
Y (t) = x (t - T), where T is the dead time.
Variable Process Type:
Conductivity Level Pressure Flow
Temperature Mass Mass Specific Gravity
Consistency Density Speed Force
load Torque
Process Instrument: Tool used either directly or indirectly to display one or more of the following three functions:
Measurement: Measurement of a variable
Control: Process Produces variable that is maintained at a predetermined value, the predetermined limit.
Manipulation: Ordered Final Control element that directly alter the function Process Variable Process Variable to control than other